• Movie, Others 14.10.2008 1 Comment

    Temen-temen….Pada uda nonton Laskar Pelangi kan??nah…pasti penasaran kan ama tokoh-tokohnya..
    gw ada foto-foto tokoh aslinya yang gw comot dari forum KASKUS…silahkan si lihat-lihat dan di comment deh..sorry ya kalau ga jelas..  ^^

    • 10 anggota laskar pelangi.
    Dari kiri (berdiri) Lintang, Samson, Trapani, Sahara, Kucai, Syahdan, Harun, A Kiong – Dari kiri 
    (jongkok) Mahar, Ikal.

    • Bu Muslimah
    • Akiong
    • Mahar
    • Kucai
    • Samson
    • Syahdan (Nama kampus gw nih :p)

    • Harun

    Sedikit kisah tentang tokoh-tokoh diatas 
    Tokoh ‘aku’ dalam cerita ini. Ikal yang selalu menjadi peringkat kedua memiliki teman sebangku bernama Lintang, yang merupakan anak terpintar dalam Laskar Pelangi. Ia berminat pada sastra, terlihat dari kesehariannya yang senang menulis puisi. Ia menyukai A Ling, sepupu dari A Kiong, yang ditemuinya pertama kali di sebuah toko kelontong bernama Toko Sinar Harapan. Pada akhirnya hubungan mereka berdua terpaksa berakhir oleh jarak akibat kepergian A Ling ke Jakarta untuk menemani bibinya.

    Teman sebangku Ikal yang luar biasa jenius. Ayahnya bekerja sebagai nelayan miskin yang tidak memiliki perahu dan harus menanggung kehidupan 14 jiwa anggota keluarga. Lintang telah menunjukkan minat besar untuk bersekolah semenjak hari pertama berada disekolah. Ia selalu aktif didalam kelas dan memiliki cita-cita sebagai ahli matematika. Sekalipun ia luar biasa pintar, pria kecil berambut merah ikal ini pernah salah membawa peralatan sekolahnya. Cita-citanya terpaksa ditinggalkan agar ia dapat bekerja untuk membiayai kebutuhan hidup keluarganya semenjak ayahnya meninggal.

    Satu-satunya gadis dalam anggota Laskar Pelangi. Sahara adalah gadis keras kepala berpendirian kuat yang sangat patuh kepada agama. Ia adalah gadis yang ramah dan pandai, ia baik kepada siapa saja kecuali pada A Kiong yang semenjak mereka masuk sekolah sudah ia basahi dengan air dalam termosnya.

    Pria tampan bertubuh kurus ini memiliki bakat dan minat besar pada seni. Pertama kali diketahui ketika tanpa sengaja Bu Muslimah menunjuknya untuk bernyanyi di depan kelas saat pelajaran seni suara. Pria yang menyenangi okultisme ini sering dipojokkan teman-temannya. Ketika dewasa, Mahar sempat menganggur menunggu nasib menyapanya karena tak bisa ke manapun lantaran ibunya yang sakit-sakitan. Akan tetapi, nasib baik menyapanya dan ia diajak petinggi untuk membuat dokumentasi permainan anak tradisional setelah membaca artikel yang ia tulis di sebuah majalah, dan akhirnya ia berhasil meluncurkan sebuah novel tentang persahabatan.

    A Kiong
    Anak Hokian. Keturunan Tionghoa ini adalah pengikut sejati Mahar sejak kelas satu. Baginya Mahar adalah suhunya yang agung. Kendatipun pria kecil ini berwajah buruk rupa, ia memiliki rasa persahabatan yang tinggi dan baik hati, serta suka menolong pada siapapun kecuali Sahara. Namun, meski mereka selalu bertengkar, ternyata mereka berdua saling mencintai satu sama lain.

    Anak nelayan yang ceria ini tak pernah menonjol. Kalau ada apa-apa dia pasti yang paling tidak diperhatikan. Misalnya ketika bermain sandiwara, Syahdan hanya kedapatan jadi tukang kipas putri dan itupun masih banyak kesalahannya. Syahdan adalah saksi cinta pertama Ikal, ia dan Ikal bertugas membeli kapur di Toko Sinar Harapan semenjak Ikal jatuh cinta pada A Ling. Syahdan ternyata memiliki cita-cita yang tidak pernah terbayang oleh Laskar Pelangi lainnya yaitu menjadi aktor. Dengan bekerja keras pada akhirna dia menjadi aktor sungguhan meski hanya mendapatkan peran kecil seperti tuyul atau jin… Setelah bosan, ia pergi dan kursus komputer. Setelah itu ia berhasil menjadi network designer.

    Ketua kelas sepanjang generasi sekolah Laskar Pelangi. Ia menderita rabun jauh karena kurang gizi dan penglihatannya melenceng 20 derajat, sehingga jika ia menatap marah ke arah Borek, maka akan terlihat ia sedang memperhatikan Trapani. Laki-laki ini sejak kecil terlihat bisa menjadi politikus dan akhirnya diwujudkan ketika ia dewasa menjadi ketua fraksi di DPRD Belitong.

    Pria besar maniak otot. Borek selalu menjaga citranya sebagai laki-laki macho. Ketika dewasa ia menjadi kuli di toko milik A Kiong dan Sahara.

    Pria tampan yang pandai dan baik hati ini sangat mencintai ibunya. Apapun yang ia lakukan harus selalu didampingi ibunya, seperti misalnya ketika mereka akan tampil sebagai band yang dikomando oleh Mahar, ia tidak mau tampil jika tak ditonton ibunya. Cowok yang bercita-cita menjadi guru ini akhirnya berakhir di rumah sakit jiwa karena ketergantungannya terhadap ibunya.

    Pria yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental ini memulai sekolah dasar ketika ia berumur 15 tahun. Laki-laki jenaka ini senantiasa bercerita tentang kucingnya yang berbelang tiga dan melahirkan tiga anak yang masing-masing berbelang tiga pada tanggal tiga kepada Sahara dan senang sekali menanyakan kapan libur lebaran pada Bu Muslimah. Ia menyetor 3 buah botol kecap ketika disuruh mengumpulkan karya seni kelas enam.

    Tokoh-tokoh Lain

    Bu Muslimah
    Nama lengkap N.A. Musimah Hafsari Hamid binti K.A. Abdul Hamid. Dia adalah Ibunda Guru bagi Laskar Pelangi. Wanita lembut ini adalah pengajar pertama Laskar Pelangi dan merupakan guru yang paling berharga bagi mereka.

    Pak Harfan
    Nama lengkap K.A. Harfan Efendy Noor bin K.A. Fadillah Zein Noor. Kepala sekolah dari sekolah Muhammadiyah. Ia adalah orang yang sangat baik hati dan penyabar meski murid-murid awalnya takut melihatnya.

    Nama aslina adalah Floriana, seorang anak tomboi yang berasal dari keluarga kaya. Dia merupakan murid pindahan dari sekolah PN yang kaya dan sekaligus tokoh terakhir yang muncul sebagai bagian dari laskar pelangi. Awal pertama kali masuk sekolah, ia sempat membuat kekacauan dengan mengambil alih tempat duduk Trapani sehingga Trapani yang malang terpaksa tergusur. Ia melakukannya dengan alasan ingin duduk di sebelah Mahar dan tak mau didebat.

    A Ling
    Cinta pertama Ikal yang merupakan saudara sepupu A Kiong. A Ling yang cantik dan tegas ini terpaksa berpisah dengan Ikal karena harus menemani bibinya yang tinggal sendiri.

  • Movie 13.10.2008 No Comments

    Body of Lies is a 2008 American thriller film adaptation of the novel of the same name by David Ignatius about a CIA operative who goes to Jordan to track a high-ranking terrorist. The film is directed by Ridley Scott, director of American Gangster and Black Hawk Down, written by William Monahan, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani and Australian actor Vince Colosimo. Production took place in Washington D.C. and Morocco. Body of Lies was released in the United States on October 10, 2008.


    Roger Ferris (Dicaprio) is a CIA operative in Iraq who is trying to track down Al Salim. His partner is killed in a car blast and he is sent to Jordan. Ed Hoffman (Crowe) keeps track of his progress and spies on Ferris via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. In Jordan, Ferris meets Hani Salaam, head of the Jordanian General Intelligence Department, or GID. Hani tells Ferris to never lie to him. Hoffman finds an Al Salim safehouse in Jordan and Ferris is hired to spy on it. Hoffman, however, hires someone else to aide Ferris without Ferris’ consent. Ferris then accuses Hoffman of running “side operations” and tells Hoffman to lay off. Ferris chases down someone from the safe house and is bitten by dogs in the process. While in the hospital he meets Aisha, a nurse and he falls in love with her. Meanwhile Hoffman has Ferris’ partner follow one of Hani’s men in Al Salim’s group. Ferris’ partner is caught and Hani blames Ferris because Hani’s man lit fire to a building with vital information. Hani tells Ferris to leave Jordan. Ferris comes back to the States for a while and tells Hoffman of a plan of making a fake terrorist in order to make contact with Al Salim. They frame an architect named Omar Sadiki. Hani tells Ferris to come back to Jordan because he knows that he needs Ferris. While Ferris is back in Jordan, Sadiki is kidnapped by Al Salim. Salim gets information from Sadiki about Ferris and he then kills Sadiki. Hani then pretends to kidnap Aisha in order to make Ferris think it was Al Salim. Hani knew Ferris would go looking for Salim, and when he found him they can take him down. However Ferris doesn’t know this. Hani then has Ferris picked up by one of his men in Al Salim’s group (again Ferris doesn’t know it is really Hani’s men) and Ferris is taken to Al Salim. Salim tries to make Ferris talk, and severs two fingers in the process, but it does not work. Right before killing him, Hani’s men come in and kill all of Al Salim’s men, saving Ferris. In the end Ferris tells Hoffman that he quits and lives in Jordan with Aisha.
    Directed by Ridley Scott
    Produced by Ridley Scott
    Donald De Line
    Written by Novel:
    David Ignatius
    William Monahan
    Starring Leonardo DiCaprio
    Russell Crowe
    Golshifteh Farahani
    Carice van Houten
    Vince Colosimo
    Music by Marc Streitenfeld
    Cinematography Alexander Witt
    Editing by Pietro Scalia
    Distributed by Warner Bros.
    Release date(s) Australia:
    October 9, 2008
    North America:
    October 10, 2008
    Running time 128 min
    Country United States
    Language English
    Budget US$70,000,000
    Gross revenue US$13,100,000

  • Movie 13.10.2008 No Comments
    High School Musical 3: Senior Year will be the third installment in Disney’s High School Musical franchise. It is scheduled for a theatrical release in the United States on October 24. Kenny Ortega returns as director and choreographer, as do all six primary actors.


    Now high school seniors, Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are facing the prospect of being separated from each other as they go off in different directions when graduating from East High. Joined by the rest of their Wildcat friends, including Sharpay Evans, Ryan Evans, Chad Danforth, and Taylor McKessie they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes and fears about the future.


    An international casting call went out to find three new “Wildcats” sophomores, though it was later revealed they would be freshmen. This resulted in the casting of Matt Prokop, Justin Martin, and Jemma McKenzie-Brown. Director Kenny Ortega commented that the new cast members seemed to bring an overall positive atmosphere to the cast, crew, and production as a whole. McKenzie-Brown’s character was originally reported to be named “Tiara Goal”, though EW.com later confirmed her name was “Tiara Gold”. McKenzie-Brown is not the only member of the new cast to have their characters name changed as Martin’s character had originally reported to be named “Donny Fox”, though it was later changed to “Donny Dion”.

    Returning cast

    New cast members

  • Movie 11.10.2008 No Comments

    Genre : Action

    Producer : Scott Faye, Julie Yorn
    Produktion : 20th Century Fox
    Duration : 125 Min
    Starring :
    Mark Walhberg
    Mila Kunis
    Beau Bridges
    Chris O’donnell
    Nelly Furtado 
    Synopsis :
    Maverick cop Max Payne (Wahlberg) is hell-bent on revenge against those responsible for the brutal murder of his family and partner. His obsessive investigation takes him on a nightmarish journey into a dark underworld. As the mystery deepens, Max is forced to battle enemies beyond the natural world and face an unthinkable betrayal.
  • Movie 30.12.2007 No Comments

    From the creators of 2002’s wildly successful Jonah – A veggietales’ world, the pirates who don’t do anything. Now, we follow the comic mis-adventures of three animated veggie pals who reluctantly set sail for adventure and discover that real heroes don’t have to be tall, strong, handsome… or even human.

    Garrrr! Working at the pieces of Ate Dinner Theatre is less than exciting when you’re a busboy. For three moping misfits – Elliot, Sedgewick and George (Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt and Pa Grape) – all they dream of is the day when they can ditch their dishrags and take stage to star in the big pirate show.

  • Movie 30.12.2007 No Comments

    Five young New Yorkers throw their friend a going-away party the night that a monster the size of a skyscraper descends upon the city. Told from the point of view of their video camera, the film is a document of their attempt to survive the most surreal, horrifying event of their lives.

  • Movie 30.12.2007 No Comments

    Jerry, a junkyard worker who attempts to sabotage a power plant that he believes is melting his brain. But when his plan goes awry, the magnetic field that he creates accidentally erases all of the videotapes in a local video store where his best friend Mike works. Fearing that the mishap will cost Mike his job, the two friends team up to keep the store’s only loyal customer – a little old lady with a tenuous grasp on reality – from realizing what has happened by recreating and re-filming every movie that she decides to rent. From “Back to the Future,” to “Robocop,” to “Rush Hour,” to “The Lion King,” Jerry and Mike become the biggest stars in their neighborhood by starring in the biggest movies ever made.

  • Movie 30.12.2007 No Comments

    Imagine every cell phone, radio, and television in your city suddenly broadcasting the same mysterious signal over and over. Now imagine these ‘terminus’ transmissions evoking violent, uncontrollable, psychotic chaos from everyone who comes in contact with them.

    The Signal invades the minds of everyday citizens living their workaday lives and having their sordid affairs. Suddenly struck by the power of the insidious transmissions, they are compelled to kill or be killed. Complicating matters is a zombielike resistance some characters have to the idea of remaining dead. The story violently explodes, blending bloody gore with psychological satire, for a truly original horror experience. The Atlanta filmmaking team of David Bruckner, Dan Bush, and Jacob Gentry tell the eerie tale in three parts (cleverly called “transmissions”), shifting perspectives to draw out a larger story that explores dark secrets and fears as well as jealousy and betrayal.

    Not for the faint of heart, The Signal will nonetheless satisfy those looking for a smart exploration of the power of media to mutate our minds. It is truly inspired independent filmmaking that will stalk viewers from every dark corner while examining the surprising human madness lying deep within.

  • Movie 26.12.2007 No Comments

    The Predator scout ship from the first AVP movie crash lands in a Colorado town after being taken over by the Pred-Alien that was spawned at the end of the first movie. The Aliens on board escape while all Predators are killed. A Predator from the Predator home world becomes aware of the crash and embarks alone on a mission to destroy all the Aliens. Meanwhile the townspeople are helplessly caught in the middle of the face-off between these two alien races. The situation escalates, leading to the military dropping a nuclear bomb on the town, killing all humans and presumably all aliens. The few human survivors, who made a narrow escape in a helicopter, deliver a captured Predator weapon to the military…

    from http://www.imdb.com

  • Movie 26.12.2007 No Comments

    Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable… and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City… and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by “the Infected” — victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings who can only exist in the dark and who will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the Infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville?s every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind?s last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what The Infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.